Monday, 21 April 2014

Blood Bowl Skaven!

Along with the Mordheim warband, I've been tinkering with a Skaven Blood Bowl Team - the Cripple Peak Cutters. The line up for the TV1000 is fairly standard at...

4 Gutter Runners
2 Blitzers
1 Thrower
4 Linerats
and some re-rolls

Here is Mirk Warpfang of the Cripple Peak Cutters...

Cheers Laney

Monday, 14 April 2014

Mordheim Skaven

Just a quick one, with a few pics...

Here is the start of my Mordheim Skaven Warband Hidden Eshin, Weeping Claw

The fledgling warband: Assassin adept, black skaven, gutter runners and Threek Twintail (standard bearer)

A close up on my Assassin

Some bases for Mordheim (Skaven and possibly a human warband too)

My Eshin Sorcerer (for a painting competition)

The warp lightning effect is made from crushed metal grid, which is twisted into shape. It is heavy and this means you need to counterbalance the model (hence the slate 'steps').


Wednesday, 9 April 2014

A little card update

I've been working on the back page of the cards and came up with this... It will have a summary of the starting skills/special rules and the basic starting equipment. I'm going to finish the IG and then look at the inquisition, chaos cultists and orks.

Imperial Guardsman Card (Back and Front)

Competition Time!

I visited my local Games Workshop last weekend to pick up a couple of boxes of Tempestus Scions. Great kits with a ton of options, my only gripes are...

  1. As a converter is how they are not easily compatible with the current IG line, meaning kitbashing is a more challenging prospect. 
  2. Some of the parts are less flexible and there aren't enough variations in the kit (lots of heads and such, but not a great deal of variety in the hands and poses).
While there the manager mentioned the single figure painting competition. I thought I'd take a punt and do an Inquisitorial Stormtrooper. It's based off the scions kit with a forgeworld cadian environment suit for the torso. Simple conversion, but fun to paint. Here is the work in progress...

More work to do on the plasma gun and the OSL on the weapon

I also plan on a fantasy miniature, so I picked up a Skaven Clanrats box from my FLGS too (no paint yet)...

Threek Twintail - Clanrat Standard Bearer for Clan Pestilens


Tuesday, 1 April 2014

A Little Update

I've been working on the Imperial Guard Cards for the Skirmish Game. Here are the cards I have so far for the Guard:

Alvin P Brodingnagian - Ogryn of the 95th Varangian Regiment (Ex-medical Orderly)

  • Whiteshield
  • Guardsman
  • Veteran
  • Heavy Weapon Specialist
  • Sergeant
  • Officer
  • Ogryn
  • Ratling Sniper
  • Demolition Expert
  • Commissar
  • Medic
  • PDF Militia

You can have any mix of these cards up to the cost limit for the start up squad  up to the max limit for the squad as a whole (currently 17 fighters). The money available for the starting squad is currently 750 Thrones, for fighters, extra upgrade equipment/skills (currently it costs 100 Thrones to upgrade to Catachan Jungle Fighters for example) and any mercenary additions - this will get you around 9 basic guardsmen with almost no upgrades, so I need to look at the numbers carefully.

You can assign any squad member as the leader, so you could have a Commissar and his Guard Veteran sidekick leading a group of Whiteshield Guardsmen behind enemy lines

  • 1 Commissar, 1 Veteran and 6 Whiteshields = 682 Thrones before upgrades

Or... go for a specialist 'Commando' team made up of a mix of IG Vets, with a Ratling, Ogryn, Demo Expert, Medic, led by an experienced officer.

  • 1 Officer, 1 Ogryn, 1 Ratling, 1 Demolition Expert, 1 Medic and 1 Veteran = 683 Thrones before upgrades

I want to keep it as open as possible, but prevent the cheese factor.

Cheers Laney